The blogger starter pack

Hiii there, it's been almost 4 months since I have started blogging. And I am really, really enjoying it so far. All the support I have gotten and all the followers just make me soo happy. And I also recently started youtube, I graduated and well everything is going so well. It finally feels like I have my life together or something like that.So I decided to share some of my knowledge on blogging with everyone who wants to start a blog and I created a blogger starter pack. Curious? Just read further

So I will tell you a few simple things you need to know if you want to start a blog and some tips to get followers and increase your traffic. I can't say it will work, but this is actually how I have been doing it and well it has worked quite well for me.

Choose a real subject you love
And no I am not talking about the basic beauty things, no choose something you like! I like make-up, I have liked make-up  and fashion since I was 12 years old. So it's not just because it's an easy subject to make my blog about that I chose beauty with fashion and lifestyle. 
As a kid I always drew clothes because I wanted to be a fashion designer, but later the tables turned and I was more interested in combining clothes than making them. I always cared less about what people thought of my clothes or anything what I did. And I always liked sharing my knowledge or giving advise to people. And that's the attitude you need for a succesful blog. If you want a food blog, do it. You want to make a blog dedicated to shoes or dolls? Just. Do. it. It doesn't matter if people or other bloggers make fun of you, if it's what you want to do, do it. Don't let other people make the decisions in your life.

Have some proper ideas to begin with
So now you know what you wanna write about. But it's always better to have a few ideas for articles before you start your blog and put in online. I failed in that one, and that's why it took me a month to start blogging properly. So have some ideas, DIY, tutorials, information or just a list of things or your favourite things. Your blog is your playground, you can do what you want with it. So have 10 proper ideas and put them on your blog, the first impression is really important! Oh and you don't need an expensive camera to begin with, just use your phone, I did too!

Blog on a regular basis
I am not saying you need a scedule or post everyday but I think it's useful if you atleast post once a week. So that people know they can expect an article once a week. I think once a week is enough if you are a freshman and you only have a few ideas. This will prevent running out of ideas an still keep your followers happy. Blogging once a week will also help you keep your free time!

Be unique
So you started a blog huh? Well that's nice, I am not trying to scare you but at the same time 500 other people started a blog too. You need to be a bit different from those other 500 people to make put your blog out there and actually get people to notice it. I write in english instead of my own language dutch which 99% of the blogger in my country do. I also try to write the articles a bit in my own way and I am simply myself. I know that I may be the weirdest kid out there but I think that's what makes me unique and I would hate to be a normal blogger. 

Share, share, shareeeee
The best way to put your blog out there is by using social media. You may have read this often but I will explain it a bit different. First of all don't make an extra account just for your blog. Use your own account on instagram and twitter to promote your blog. Why make another one, if your blog is simply about what YOU love? People will get to know you better throught your personal social media and this will help you get dedicated blog followers. 
(Of course don't give your personal facebook but make a page for your blog on facebook.)
If you make separeted social media for your blog it will look like you are a bit ashamed of your baby and you don't want people to know about it. And last but not least, start sharing your blogposts on it and do some throwbacks to promote older posts!

Hopefully these tips were really helpfull for you guys. Of course you could also use them if you are already really familiar with blogging, it's all up to you! Have a nice day pizza's.


  1. Thanks for the tips!

  2. Vond je het niet heel eng om je blog via social media te delen? Ik durf dat namelijk nog niet zo goed..

    1. Eerst wel maar daarna dacht ik gewoon van, waarom zou ik me moeten beperken en niet doen wat ik echt leuk vind puur omdat andere mensen me er misschien op afkeuren. Denk eens na over 5 jaar zie je bijna niemand meer van bijvoorbeeld je school en als je dan terug kijkt, zal je alleen maar denken, hoezo hielde die mensen mij tegen als je het niet doet. Het lijkt eng maar het niet meer dan een stukje van jouw en je moet doen wat jij leuk vind en je moet je gewoon echt niks van andere aantrekken. Ik heb om het zo maar even grof te zeggen altijd 'schijt' gehad aan wat mensen van me dachten en heb altijd mijn eigen ding gedaan vanaf dag een en iedereen heeft dat gewoon geaccepteerd en ik heb ook heel veel leuke reactie over mijn blog gehad op de middelbare school en van andere mensen en natuurlijk zullen mensen achter je rug om roddelen stel ze mogen je niet of ze zijn denken te beperkt, maar daar moet je je lekker niks van aantrekken want je moet je leven, leven zoals jij wilt :) Dit is even een heel lang antwoord maar ik wilde je gewoon een hart onder de riem steken ahah en gewoon lekker delen dus want niemand behalve jij zelf bepaald wat er op je sociaal media komt ^^

    2. Bedankt voor je reactie! Ik zal binnenkort maar eens beginnen met het delen van mijn posts op social media. En me gaan focussen op de positieve reacties i.p.v. de negatieve (:


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