Monthly moments May | Prom, Youtube & Avengers

Helloooo fellas, it's time for another monthly moments, full of food, The avengers and not to forget that I started my youtube channel this month! Are you guys excited yet? No? Don't lie to me, I know you guys are! So take a look!

Collection of my favourite breakfast and meal pictures. Look at that hot salad.
It was also my brother's birthday and at the end you can see one of the delicious cakes!

Lots of blog pictures, but also some inspiring quotes and selfies. And not to forget lots of prom pictures! ;D


I went to the Avengers Age of Ultron and I also wrote an article on that one! One of my favourites for sure! 

I did a big review and also my first Youtube video came online on 31 may. I also reached 40 followers, so this month has been really amazing for me!

My last exam outfit and not to forget my prom assecoires togheter with my prom dress a week before the actual party. I also did a quick outfit of that day during my finals.

Picture of the month:
I thought this was the most beautiful picture I took this month, what about you guys?

I hope you enjoyed my monthly moments post! Let me know what you guys did this month in the comments! :)


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