My bucket story

Hello everyone, I have been so bizzy with studying lately and I am sorry that the articles are so short but my last exam is on Wednesday. So from that point it will go all upwards again. For today I just wanted to share my bucket story with you. No, not a list but a story.  It’s about everything I want to achieve this month, the following months and not to forget in the future.

So first of all I am praying that I will graduate from high school. Finals have been hard so far but I am doing everything  to bring out the best in myself. Not to mention keep this blog alive, because  I really don’t want to let my readers down. But don’t worry I am still studying  80% of the time.
So when I graduate my heart will be less filled with stress and I will be able to focus on more fun things and the college I want to get in to. So graduating is like number 1 on my bucket list!

Talking about fun things, I can’t wait to attend prom. I am already so much in love with my prom dress and I only have to find the right shoes and the right clutch for it. But I will do that after finals. I already know it will be a bigger battle than the one that the avengers fought against Ultron because I have a horrible shoe size. Anyway, shoes and clutches are my second priority this month!

Another one is starting a YouTube channel.  I am really excited about this one because I have lots of ideas and I can’t wait to share it with the world. Also If I graduate, I will have lots of free time and I can’t wait to spend some of it on YouTube! I think it’s also a way for you guys to get to know me better and it will also  add some  more life to this blog . I am already smiling  while writing  this, so let me know how you feel about this idea!

Those were some realistic  things, now I will start on the on realistic things that probably will never happen. I really hope that in the future I will be able to make a living out of what I love to do and actually just travel the world and discover new things and new people. Secretly I just want to be able to say that blogging and YouTube is my job. But I can also live with it if it doesn’t happen to me and I get a regular job after college. But first, Let’s just wait and see how  everything works out for me this year. 


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