Dealing with senior year
Senior year isn't a fun year for everyone. First I thought it couldn't be harder than the years before but now I am almost collapsing because off all the stress and things I have to learn and to do. Projects, exams and preparing for finals. Somehow I am still keeping it together and so I thought maybe I could share some of my tips with other (future) seniors on my blog. Helping you to keep it as much together as I am right now!
Take a breath
First of all take a breath. A lot of information is coming your way in this year and the best way to deal with it is to relax a little bit. Stressing about what you need to do will not solve anything.
Try to take it easy, study, take breaks and so something fun. Don't go on your phone when you take breakes for studying, it will be harder to start again after. Maybe take a run, because scientific researches proves that running frees anti-stress hormones in your body that will make you a lot more relaxed and less stressful. Also try doing Yoga, no need to go to some fancy yoga club thought. Try it in your room, YouTube is full of video's with people that can tell you how to do it and it's also a lot cheaper.
Find a good place
A good study environment is really important if you want to get good results on your exams.
The difference between studying in a quiet room and a room full of noises is bigger than you think.
Find a quit comfortable place with everything you need, so you don't have to stand up a lot and lose focus. Same with food and drinks, keep it as close as possible.
Have fun with your friends
It's not all about studying and getting good grades. It may be the last year you spend with your friends in school so you have to make the best of it. Try the rewarding system, go out with your friends when you have finished studying or your homework. Reward yourself with a party, a beach trip, a shopping spree or just a relaxing day with the girls. It will motivate you even more afterwards and give you a satisfied feeling. The feeling of being able to combine friends and school is the best feeling in the world and gives you a feeling of organization. That feeling will help you decrease stress and be a lot happier in your senior year.
Make a planning
It's not something I do often, but when I do it this really helps. Making a planning can actually show you how much you have to do in one week and how much time you have. Writing it down will also release your head from a lot of problems and things to think of. It will give you more rest and overview.
Try also making a to-do-list for the little things that you have to do that have nothing to do with school.
It is really helpful in case you forget them because of all the assignments.
Last but not least, be positive! Positivity can get you really far! Even when your grades aren't perfect never give up. Always stay positive to yourself and the people around you. Even when things are looking really bad, you never know when something grate will happen to you. It comes when you don't expect it. Also talk to people when you are feeling a little depressed or moody, people can help you and cheer you up. Music can also help a lot, it helped me so it can help you too. Believe in your graduation, believe in your future, stay positive!
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